5 Benefits of Wearing High-quality Eyewear

The American Academy of Optometry urges patients to get high-quality eyewear. Eyeglasses and sunglasses rest on your face. Some people wear prescription eyewear while working. Others have to wear them during waking hours. In short, your face bears the brunt of wearing eyeglasses. That is why you must choose your eyewear carefully. Here are the five benefits of wearing high-quality eyewear.

1. Durable and Sustainable

Low-quality eyewear tends to fall apart sooner than expected. This is problematic for the patient. Sustainability is not good at all because you need to replace your eyewear more than you need to. High-quality eyewear will not give you such problems. The manufacturers use durable and sustainable materials for each piece. Even if any of its components break down, you can be sure to get the spare parts for them at the optical shop. Getting one means you can use it for many years with proper care and maintenance.

2. Has Transparency in Production

Seasoned eyewear manufacturers have a set process. They would gladly share their methods without hesitation. These dedicated companies can tell you more because they care about their products and customers. Each company has specially trained staff, regulations, and protocols. These factors help maintain their good track record when producing exceptional eyewear.  

3. Handmade With Care

You can tell that your eyewear is high-quality if it was made by hand. While it is true that machines can produce any type of eyewear, creative hands can create more unique details. High-quality eyewear is more delicate than low-quality ones. It would be difficult for machines to come up with delicate parts. By hand, frames become glossier and smoother. When you feel handmade, high-quality eyewear, the screws are not visible and the corners are well-rounded. 

Aside from high-quality frames, you can also choose to have high-end progressive lenses, such as Shamirlenses. This next-generation technology maintains high standards of quality. Shamir lenses are custom-fit. They provide superior vision support for refractive issues. You can adapt to them and tolerate them without any problem. 

4. Has Lasting Riveted Hinges

Every eyewear has hinges that connect the temples to the rims of your eyewear. These hinges must remain functional and durable so that the temples can fold and unfold without wearing down. High-quality eyewear has riveted hinges that are set through the horn. This ensures that the folding system will last a long time. 

These hinges need careful handcrafting. The hinges will not be heat sunk into the eyewear. Your high-quality eyeglasses will actually have genuine rivets that have pins in the acetate and the hinge. These hinges reveal how lasting your glasses are. 

5. Has High-grade Electroplating

You can have high-quality frames made of acetate, stainless steel, or titanium. Whatever material you choose, high-quality eyewear must have good electroplating. Sensitive allergy patients must ask for nickel-free electroplating. Inspect your eyewear in bright light. Exceptional eyewear must not have clouds. The shine of the frames must be even. A high-quality varnish must not have drips or streaks. It should not make the frames sticky at all. 

Choosing high-quality eyewear is worth every penny, a lasting pair of glasses made with superior craftsmanship and technique. At Livingston Eyecare Associates, LLC, we always provide excellent products to fulfill the discriminating eye and vision needs of our patients. Please drop by our clinic in Hamburg Township, Michigan, for a one-on-one consultation. Call 810-231-5800 to set an appointment or inquire about our high-end eyewear collection.

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